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Laboratory of
Neural & Sensory Genomics

SMARCA4 mutation causes human otosclerosis and a similar phenotype in mice
Drabkin M, Jean MM, Noy Y, Halperin D, Yogev Y, Wormser O, Proskorovski-Ohayon R, Dolgin V, Levaot N, Brumfeld V, Ovadia S, Kishner M, Kazenell U, Avraham KB, Shelef I, Birk OS (2024). J Med Genet. 61:117-124.

Shared and organ-specific gene-expression programs during the development of the cochlea and the superior olivary complex
Bordeynik-Cohen M*, Sperber M*, Ebbers L, Messika-Gold N, Krohs C, Koffler-Brill T, Noy Y, Elkon R, Nothwang HG, Avraham, KB (2023). RNA Biol, 20:629-640.

Using multi-scale genomics to associate poorly annotated genes with rare diseases
Canavati C, Sherill-Rofe D, Kamal L, Bloch I, Zahdeh F, Sharon E, Terespolsky B, Allan IA, Rabie G, Kawas M, Kassem H, Avraham KB, Renbaum P, Levy-Lahad E, Kanaan M, Tabach Y (2024). Genome Med. 16:4.
Future events
Future conferences
Association for Research in Otolaryngology 48th MidWinter Meeting
February 21-25, 2025
Orlando, Florida, USA